Hello! Welcome to my corner of Keith's official site.  I receive many  e-mails asking question's or just nice comments regarding the site. I really appreciate everyone's comments and always share each e-mail with Keith, and while doing just that; Keith came up with the idea for this page and the title! He wanted a spot on the site where the Fan's could read e-mails that have been sent and that he has enjoyed reading.

If you would like to send an e-mail to me with your comments, or if you have a nice story to share then please send all e-mails to: Keithsfans@keith986.com (if you wish your e-mail not to be posted please include that note when emailing. Thanks!)

                                      We hope that you will enjoy this part of the site!


My fifteen year old daughter's quarterly progress report from our local high school here in, ah, Anytown, CT., somehow brought me to Keith's site and then to Cass's Corner.  I remember Keith's 1967 song 98.6 as though it were yesterday.  I was a shy 16 year old boy and a sophomore in a school called Northwest Catholic high school over in West Hartford, Connecticut. I can still remember that in those days, a local radio station I enjoyable enough for teenage listening was WDRC (an a.m. 'amplitude modulation' station). Brad Davis was the host and we could  phone the local stations and try to request that a particular song to get aired.  I really "liked" that song. I called in often to hear it over and over again.  Some radio stations had promotional 45 rpm's that they gave away to their audiences and I remember getting this record.  It had a punched hole through it toward the center and wording to the effect that it couldn't be sold. 

How many of us at one point in our lives, tosses out such timeless memories when "cleaning house"?  I hope my kids never do the same. 

At the sophomore "sock hops", kids could always request a song from the disk jockey.  Hearing "98.6" was enough to make my night even when the girls back then appeared to be always waiting for the boys to ask them to dance and I was never that one.  I'd rather go back home, sit down at my drum set and bang the night away.

It was so incredibly hard in 1967 to find love feeling so vulnerable and awkward when so many of your friend's brothers and sisters were dying in Vietnam. 

98.6 did lighten the love attitude for a few moments when otherwise it could at times appear so far and well beyond reach. 

Keith, thank you for that song, your voice and those lyrics of days gone by.

As for love, I met her at age 17.

I married one year before a Billy Joel song, in 1977,

"Only the Good Die Young", could have summed up a few of my

own personal mixed up feelings. As part of it goes:

"You Catholic girls start much too late
Ah but sooner or later it comes down to fate
I might as well be the one...

So come on, Virginia, show me a sign
Send up a signal, I'll throw you a line
That stained glass curtain you're hiding behind
Never lets in the sun...
And they say there's a heaven for those who will wait
Some say it's better but I say it ain't
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
The sinners are much more fun"


So how did I get to your site?  A "Google" search of 90 degrees popped up http://hypertextbook.com/facts/LenaWong.shtml 

A quote inside reads " And then there's Keith -- the two hit wonder who's 1967 hit single 98.6 sums up the connection between romance and physical health in a single number."

? Really ?  



 Thank you for referring me to Jimmy Riley (jimmmmyr@aol.com), he was able to obtain a copy of your BEST OF KEITH CD and I received it this past Monday.  I've always liked 98.6, I discovered and instantly fell in love with TELL ME TO MY FACE when I heard it on THE LOST 45s WITH BARRY SCOTT.  The CD allowed me to hear for the first time AIN'T GONNA LIE, which I also like.  I dig PRETTY LITTLE SHY ONE because it begins with a Harpsichord (a prominent instrument in TELL ME TO MY FACE) and I LOVE the sound of the Harpsichord!!!!!  Not only do you have a great singing voice but a damn good orchestra to back you up!!!!!!!  Jimmy has become my new best friend--he also has a rare LP from Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass (SUMMERTIME) that I have been searching for since 1980 and he promised to send it to me.

 God Bless the music of the 1960s and 1970s and GOD BLESS YOU!!

 Very Truly Yours,
     Steve Walles (WALL-iss)




Barry O


Hi ya Bazza !

      Just was talking to Gary Puckett and he said to say Hi.........so Hi!!  He said 1967 was a blast....remember?  It was his year too !!!

   Hope your happy with the interview and let's keep our fingers crossed that the internet is OK Saturday ! (The information Super Highway is a dirt road at best !!) Keep in touch !! We love ya !
Your Pal,  CORKY ( The Daddio of Radio )


 Dear Keith,

 I listen to "Corky's Time Machine", here in New Jersey, and I heard his interview with you, on 3/16/2002, " It's nice to hear your voice again", (My Quote"), I am a fan, and was really amazed, how great you sound, but was saddened to hear you  have not visited N.J. since 1974, Corky is a big man here in N.J., he is well loved, and respected, and a wonderful person.

    He plays all of the "oldies", that I love so much, I am 60 years young, and still love my music. Corky and Mrs. Corky  are the very best, I just wanted to tell you thanks for allowing all of us to
  "HEAR YOUR VOICE AGAIN", God Bless you !  Edith Rush


    Hi Keith,

  I was only 7 years old when I first heard 98.6 and til this day, that song seems to bring back good feelings, thank you! I now have the song on a cd. So happy I have this opportunity to actually (speak) to you! Take Care, Sonia


  Hey Barry.

This is Tom Haughom writing you from San Francisco. Tracked you down on the internet. John Cull and I used to drive Down from Hollywood when I still lived in LA and hang with you at Grunion's amongst other things, circa 85', 86', 87'. I've forgotten all the other guys names down there at that other house, but I do remember those were good times! At least what I can remember...

Anyway... working at another ad agency up here and playing music with some other ad guys. 2 of us are in the 45 to 51 age group.

The other 2 are both 31 or so. Got our own private rehearsal studio which is a real commodity up here these days. I was just thinking about your song tonite and wondered what happened to you after the last time I saw you down there at your house. 15 years ago?

Reply back if you get a moment. I was thinking we would cover 98.6. No gigs yet. Just writing and rehearsing.

Any tab available? Do you remember me? You were always hospitable and a good guy. Let me know if you want a picture to jog your memory.

Man those were good times! Hope life is good for you now. ciao



 I first met Barry Keefer (Keith) when he accompanied my mom's best friend's older song who came to sit with my brother and I. This was about 1961. Well, I already played the guitar and we sat around and 'jammed' a bit. He was, bar none the official 'coolest' guy around the area. I always remember he had a group singing a 'cappella somewhere--on the boardwalk at the shore, in the boys room at Bonner High at a fair there (great acoustics), at local dances. I wanted to be just like him. He was the greatest singer and had unbelievable charisma. "98.6" did not do him justice as a singer and we all thought that he should have been given better songs than he got. I like hearing it now though. We last saw each other about 1994 when I did the Jay Leno show with Stevie Nicks. He was working on the technical staff. He will always be the coolest guy to me. 

Rick www.rickvito.com


(This e-mail was sent when The Keith site was only one page!)

 I loved James Barry Keefer's music also known as the man of Keith. Glad to hear there is going to be a website on him. I can't say anything bad about Keith because all of his songs were great. Did you know that a band by the name of the Bystanders from Holland did a cover of Keith's "98.6"? And their version was just as good as Keith's version. I had no idea that someone else did a cover of "98.6", until a friend of mine emailed me that he found another artist on Napster and it was the Bystanders. I've never even heard of them before, let alone knew about the cover version by them. As it turned out it may be hard to believe, but after you hear both versions of the songs you will, more than likely like both versions about the same like I did.

Good luck on your future website. By the way what is your Favorite Keith album? Mine is his 2nd album called "Out of Crank" I just love "Sweet and Sour" It is such great Bubblegum when you hear it. I also like songs like "I'm So Proud" which was never on any of his albums. It was only a 45 song.

Bye Sincerely, Kenny.

        I just joined your Keith club I want to support him I think he is a cool guy...
        ( Fan of the Amazing Bazza Keefer)

 (This was the first e-mail Keith sent me!)

       Hey Cass,
                       Guess who? I would really like to help you with some lyric
                       corrections on my songs!! e-me, and thanks for the site!!!        
          bazza* aka keith


Hi Keith (Bazza)

             I'm looking forward to our interview on WAAT Radio this Tuesday. I will be  co-host.

   My new email address is above. It now has my full name. I decide to cancel my
old email address because I've just bought my first home computer, and I wanted  my full name for an email address.

      Next Sat. Sept.22 will be my birthday and the interview will be an early
      birthday present for me.

      I have your original RCA  album "The Adventures of Keith". I'll be
      talking to
     you about it. It is my favorite. I've always  thought it was as good as
   "Sgt. Peppers".

    Take Care,


(These posts are from "The Spectropop Message Board", Keith asked they be included here)

            Very tough to find info on this guy.  His real name was James Barry Keefer , he was born on May 7, 1949, and he died last year.  That's all I could come up with on short notice.

           My apologies to Luis and Cass and everybody else for the false report on the demise of Keith.  Several months ago I read of the death of a sixties rock singer, and I could have sworn it was Keith.  Glad to hear he is still with us! --Dan



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